Ardmore Aesthetic Solutions | Ardmore, OK


The O-Shot® (Orgasm Shot) at Ardmore Aesthetic Solutions

Are you looking to enhance your sexual health and experience more intense and frequent orgasms? Look no further than the O-Shot®, also known as the Orgasm Shot, offered at Ardmore Aesthetic Solutions.

What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot is a nonsurgical procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate tissue growth in the vaginal area. PRP is derived from your own blood and contains growth factors that promote healing, rejuvenation, and regeneration of cells.

What does it do?

The O-Shot® has several benefits for women, including:

  • Increased sensitivity and arousal
  • Enhanced sexual pleasure and orgasm intensity
  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • Reduction of urinary incontinence
  • Tightening of vaginal tissue for improved muscle tone and strength

Improvements that can be seen with the O-Shot®

Many women who have received the O-Shot® have reported significant improvements in their sexual health, including:

  • More frequent and intense orgasms
  • Increased sexual desire and satisfaction
  • Improved control over bladder function
  • Enhanced natural lubrication during intercourse

These improvements can lead to a more fulfilling sex life and increased confidence, both inside and outside of the bedroom.

What to expect during the procedure?

The O-Shot® is a quick and relatively painless procedure that can be completed in our office in under an hour. It begins with drawing a small amount of blood from your arm, which is then placed into a centrifuge to isolate the PRP. The area around the vagina will be numbed with local anesthesia before injecting the PRP into specific areas in and around the clitoris and upper vaginal wall.

O-Shot® FAQs

How long do the effects of the O-Shot® last?

The results of the O-Shot® can vary for each individual, but on average, they can last up to 18 months.

Is there any downtime after receiving the O-Shot®?

No, there is no downtime after receiving the O-Shot®. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Are there any side effects of the O-Shot®?

Most patients do not experience any significant side effects from the O-Shot. Some may experience mild discomfort or swelling at the injection site, but this typically subsides within a few days.

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